Archive for 2012

Health Of Women In Pakistan

Health of the nation is going through a crisis it was never a priority for our governments. That is the reason why our country has no health care structure. The whole healthcare system is based on adhocism and short term planning. We are one of the most unhealthy nation with a very poor healthcare system and health indicators in the world. 
  • The health of the women was never considered an important issue because woman as a gender has little respect in the community. In the name of culture, tradition and religion they were never given equal status in the society. 
  • It is also disturbing to note that religious political parties and traditional political parties with lethal image has little time for women and their issues. Our assemblies and political institutes have a great number of women but most of them are not interested on those issues related to women health and their rights. 
  • In Pakistan, we are losing three to four women per hour because of pregnancy associated complications. More than 30,000 to 40,000 young women die every year.Very few private setups are providing free care to needy women. A very small number of hospitals and maternity homes are operating with international standards of care. As these facilities are extremely expensive, very few people can afford their services.
  • For instance, the maternal mortality rate in rural Balochistan is 900 maternal deaths to 100,000 live births, This ratio in the end adversely strikes at the health of her children as well as national economy. Not only can these but evident differences among health status of women and men are visible in Pakistani polity. The poor women's health is as much a social plight as much it is medically.
  • Factors like lack of awareness regarding women's health requirements, low literacy ratio, low social status and civil constrains on females are responsible for women's below standard health in Pakistan. Men and Women both are poorly educated about family planning consequently affecting the health of mother and child. Perhaps the greatest loss to the family and economy of country as one need to comprehend that woman is the glory of all that is created. 

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